Saturday, January 10, 2009

"There's only one problem here...I don't know what is going on!" -Tiff

14 days until I'm leaving on a jet plane, and somehow Tiff's quote seems appropriate. Even though she used it in reference to Phase-10 (which she ended up winning), the anticipation of my trip seems filled with too much unknowing for my liking. Who is my roomate, what should I pack, what should I pack in, what classes will I take, how will I survive in a world of only sand? Everytime I get excited, the fear of the unknown comes in a crashes the party.

At least I got one more thing out of the way today. After breakfast, a shower, and only one outfit (it was laundry day, so I didn't have many options...the glory of sweatpants) I headed to the health department to pick up my immunization records and get a TB test. I HATE NEEDLES!! The thought of something piercing my skin makes me tingle all over. I definitely avoid watching, but I always realize what is happening, and I picture it in my head...BAD NEWS!

My mom and I spent 2 hrs. of our day working on what seems like the world's hardest puzzle, Chocolate, all brown with pieces all the same size and shape. We only succeeded in getting the edge pieces and two small chocolates together. We are not even sure if those are right. I will keep you up to date. We have to finish before I leave, to prove Dad and Justin wrong.

This evening Justin and I headed to our friend Tiff's house. We hung out with her, her boyfriend, and their beautiful 2-year old Braden. Braden is the best behaved 2-year old I've ever seen. He spent most of his evening mimicking every word and action we said or did. He also tasted all 4 colors of Play-Doh to make sure they didn't taste different. He proceeded to tell us all of them were yucky! Tiff made us lasagna, which was delicious. Even though I lost in Phase-10, the night was pretty wonderful.

I hope your days were equally enjoyable. Happy Friday!

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