Friday, January 16, 2009

"I better say bye now, because I may not see you again" -Everybody :(

So, I have NEVER liked the word "goodbye," because it always seems so final. I prefer, see ya later, or talk to ya soon. Even if it isn't true, I find myself saying it, just because it is better than saying goodbye. I realize that going to Egypt has made this even worse. I realize as more and more people ask when I'm leaving, or why am I still home, they also end the conversation by saying something to the effect, "Well, I better say goodbye now, because I might not see you again."

Now I know that everyone means well, and they just mean see me again before I leave, but sheesh. It always makes me feel like I'm falling off the face of the earth. I think I probably will see them again. Now I find myself making excuses like, "Oh, I'll see you on Friday." or "Surely I will see you again; I'm here for another week." I would rather make up this lie to avoid saying goodbye than actually have to face the fact that I'm leaving people I care about. Of course if I had it my way half of Indiana and Duke University would be headed to Egypt with me. But since that isn't happening, I suggest that for my sanity, everyone please avoid approaching me with phrases like, "I may not see you again."

I hope to see EVERYONE again. Happy Thursday!

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