Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Now is the best time to dance, nobody here has any rhythm." -Jamese

This is a video of the dancing we experienced tonight at our cultural party. I must admit, it was way more fun than I expected it to be. We ate, we watched a group of child whirling dervishes, and we danced. Luckily Egyptian dancing doesn't require a lot of skill or rhythm, and there are very few here that have Overall it was a great night.

I finally got to sign up for my classes today: Modern Standard Arabic, Colloquial Arabic, Creative Writing, Palestine in Literature, and Marriage in the Middle East. I'm pretty excited, and since I don't really need the credits, I plan on taking it pretty easy this semester. Now if I could only get a notebook before classes

I am super excited because Mika and I have planned a weekend trip to Alexandria. We are going to leave tomorrow. While I am really excited, it is worse news for you. I probably will not have access to the internet, so I won't be able to blog until Saturday. Don't worry, now that I have figured out how to upload my pictures, I will have plenty to show you when I get back. You should also check out my Nile cruise post, because I added some pictures to it. Happy Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

Alexandria is the bomb megan! You have to go to one of the seafood restaurants rights on the Med. Look them up in your lonely planet book. One gives out a 15-20 plate starter, and then you get your meal! Also, definitely go to the catacombs (underground graves). They are pretty awesome and cost only $5-10.


Anonymous said...

Alexandria is the bomb megan! You have to go to one of the seafood restaurants rights on the Med. Look them up in your lonely planet book. One gives out a 15-20 plate starter, and then you get your meal! Also, definitely go to the catacombs (underground graves). They are pretty awesome and cost only $5-10.


Sarah DIehl said...

i have some news. i just read your entire blog. crazy, i know. but i just want to go to cairo right now. no more telling other people to yell at me because i'm still disconnected from the world of blogs, facebook, e-mail, phones, and the like. i miss you like crazy. ti amo.
much love