Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Simple tasks in Egypt are always 2 hrs. and 5 u-turns away." -Guy in the van...I have got to learn names

So I am having a serious crash course in patience around here. Everything here turns into an adventure. I mean EVERYTHING from getting a student ID to going to the market. The ID system here has been down for 2 days, and we can't get into our rooms without them. So an RA has had to let everyone in their room whenever. When the system gets back running of course we all want ID's. It took me 2 hrs. to get through a line of maybe 50 people to get an ID. Not to mention that Egyptians have no qualms about cutting everyone in line. Then I had to find the room to get my card activated, another experience. But now I have an ID and access to my own room. It is freedom in a card!

The biggest adventure of my day was going to the market. My roommate and I had the wrong time, so we missed the bus. We opted to take a different bus from campus and just grab a taxi for the rest of the trip. The cab driver of course tried to rip me off, but I am getting pretty good at this haggling in Arabic. Then this man was showing us which direction to go to find the items we set out to find, and the tourist police got the wrong idea.

Have you ever been questioned by a police officer carrying a large gun in Arabic? Well I have! It was intimidating. I was trying my best to explain that this man was only helping and that there was no problem. But I only speak formal Arabic, the police officer only responded in rapid fire Egyptian Arabic. I think the man ended up having to pay off the officer, but I turned my head to that sort of activity (lol). Well I guess I at least didn't pay off the police officer just paid my way out of customs.

We were able to take the bus back. Even with a van load of AUC students and an RA, the bus driver got lost and had to back up on the interstate the wrong way twice and make 4 U turns. I'm telling you, each journey I wonder what story will I have to tell next. I think my brain has taken in a month's worth of experiences already, because I feel like I have been here a month already. I am having a great time though. I miss you all! Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

I feel you will be less hesitate to get in a car with me after this

Jimmy & Linda said...

Megan, I thought it would take you at least 5 days to re-train everyone after you got there, sounds like now, it is going to take you at least two weeks, Ha Ha, Jim Bye