Friday, January 9, 2009

"The music moves me...It just moves me ugly." -Justin

I have decided to title each entry with my favorite quote of the day. It may be serious, it may be ridiculous. It will probably tell you my mood and the tone of the post...ENJOY!

15 days until I get on a plane, 16 until I arrive. I can't decide if I don't have enough time or I have too much. The truth is I have forgotten the monotony of living in a small town. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my family, being able to see Justin everyday has been great, and my trip to the bank today proves that life in a small town is the only way to go, but activity opportunities are minimal these days.

Today I woke up at 9:22 am. I had a dream that my sister's boyfriend Kyle proposed to her and her ring was a diamond set of antlers. For those of you who don't know Kyle don't understand how "appropriate" this is, considering he loves all things camo and hunting. I at least thought it was amusing.

After breakfast, a shower, and trying on 3 outfits I headed to the bank to figure out my loan for my car. W/O an income for the semester I had no way to pay. GOD IS WONDERFUL, and so is Rodney Nicholson. After only 5 min. in the bank, I was told that because he knew and trusted me, Rodney was going to hook me up with a 6 mos. extension on my payments, resulting in no payment until July and only a $54 interest penalty. One more thing checked off my pre-Cairo list.

I spent my evening at Justin's sister's basketball game. Even with her 25 pts. we still lost. Sad day :(. I do love Indiana basketball...nothing could be better.

I'm sorry if you find this all terribly boring. I plan on droning on daily about my random activities and thoughts. If this wasn't your cup of tea, I'm sorry to hear it, and suggest you find something more productive to do with your time. However, if my random babbles tickle your fancy, you now have something to look forward to every day! Happy Thursday!

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