Sunday, February 8, 2009

"What are they trying to do, starve us." -Mika

So today was lock down. It wouldn't have been so bad, except they didn't have any way for us to get food. Seriously, all day, how did they expect us to eat. Luckily the resourceful people of the group had snacks and we all scavenged what we could find. I think next they are going to come in and interrogate us. At least that is what we imagine happens when they try to break people down, lock them in a confined space, refuse them nourishment, and then grill them for details. Of course, they are not really going to interrogate us, but for those of us used to 3 meals a day, today was close to torture. I guess yet again it reminds me how blessed I really am.

The lock down was good for getting work done. I have accomplished a lot today. I even did some searches for an internship. My boyfriend Justin has helped by trying to get me a job close to him for the summer, and he found a great organization that helps resettle refugees in Indianapolis. I have sent them an e-mail inquiring about opportunities. I realize that the job seems like something I would really enjoy, so I have searched for other organizations. I found possible internships in Aurora, Illinois, Decatur, Georgia, and Washington D.C. But I absolutely have my fingers crossed for Indy. And don't worry, it is not just for Justin, I love spending the summers close to home. I miss Indiana too much when I'm gone for a semester, I can't imagine being gone a year.

I am feeling slightly better today, but I don't know if it is because of the continual drugs I am feeding into my body, or if I'm actually better. Hopefully I'm actually better. Well, tomorrow is a school day, I should be getting my beauty sleep. And because Duke eked it out today, we can all have happier dreams. Happy Saturday!


Anonymous said...

why a lockdown...

mls45 said...

Oh, just for verification, we were locked down because Mrs. President of Egypt was on campus for the campus inauguration, not because of our safety, because of hers.