Sunday, February 22, 2009

مقتل فرنسية وإصابة 17 بجروح في انفجار وسط القاهرة

I put my quote in Arabic to cut down on panic. So before you worry too much, just know I am safe and healthy. I debated whether or not to post this because I was afraid it would call attention to an event you may otherwise not hear about, but I decided it is better to hear from me first. Tonight there was a bombing in a tourist area of Islamic Cairo. They have arrested 2 suspects and safely detonated another bomb that was found. Reports still vary on the number injured/killed, but I am safe. Right now we have little information, but the university is taking a lot of precautions so don't panic. If you want news on the incident please visit, because their news will be less biased and more reliable than cnn or bbc. I will link the title of this post to the web page. I miss you all.


Amy said...

Wow, well I am glad to know that you are safe and sound. It is always an exciting adventure, eh?

Anonymous said...

I just read about it before looking at this. Stay safe!

AimeeC said...

I just saw this and came straight to your blog to see if you had posted anything. I'm glad your safe!