Monday, February 2, 2009

"Kicking cans and holding hands." -Megan

So my friends Kelsey and Mika decided that this is a good definition of the Egyptian culture. LOL! It may just be because we are delirious and think anything that rhymes is clever. But, then again, holding hands is something I have really noticed here. The amount of affection displayed here is very different from what I experienced in Saudi Arabia. While I didn't expect Egyptians to adhere to the crazy strictness of complete separation necessary in Saudi, I didn't really expect to see the openness of relationships here.

However, displays of affection are not only common between a couple, but greetings between friends are full of love. Cheek to cheek kisses are common, even between men, and today we saw two policemen walking down the street holding hands. Judging by the stigma placed on homosexuality, I doubt that they would be walking around in the open.

Today has been better than yesterday. I have decided I love my Arabic class, and that is saying a lot because Arabic was miserable for me last semester. I have a class on marriage in historical middle east, and the professor was really great. I'm super excited about the class, except for that girl. You guys know the girl that thinks she knows so much she can even talk down to the professor. The one who talks just to hear her own voice. She may ruin this class for me...God give me patience.

I'm sad that I missed what has been called the best game in a while. I miss you all. Happy Monday.


Unknown said...

My professor held my hand throughout our adventure in khan al-khalili...don't be surprised if you have to hold some girl's hand!!!

Amy said...

It was a good game, even though the Cardinals lost, and your family threw a very nice party.

I just thought I'd comment on the friendliness there. You mentioned greeting with a kiss on each cheek. My first day in the Ghetto in Guatemala City, I went into someone's house and my friend who lives there very quickly told me to give the lady a kiss on her cheek. She said it in english so that they did not understand, but I was glad for the tip. I learned very quickly to greet everyone that way. I think it is pretty cool myself. I am a hugger and did not mind the cheek kiss thing myself but it seems many Americans don't want you to get that close.

Felicity said...

Hi Megan! Hey I attempted to send you an email, let me know if you get it. Love ya!
