Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"What would you do in their shoes...I think I would be a suicide bomber." -guy in Palestine Lit.

Sorry for neglecting you. School is running my life. My friend who goes to UPenn said yesterday, "When did AUC get like school in the states?"

Today in my Palestine in Literature class we watched a film about suicide bombing called Paradise Now, which sparked some interesting discussion. First you need to know a little bit about the film. It wasn't a documentary of crazy men in turbans reciting the Qur'an, but a film about 2 Palestinian friends who have a mission to bomb a bus of Israeli soldiers. One of them falls in love with a daughter of a suicide bomber, who is completely against this form of resistance. While the film obviously criticizes the actions of the Israeli occupation, it also calls on Palestinians to question the effectiveness and justifications of suicide bombing as a form of resistance. Overall, I thought it was a fabulous film, giving insight into both sides of suicide bombing and understanding its existence but continuing to condemn them.

Anyways, so back to my story. We were discussing, after the film, how the movie gave airtime to both opinions on suicide bombing, and the difference between understanding and condoning these actions. That is precisely when a guy in our class posed the question. First of all, you don't ask people if they would be suicide bombers. Then he shockingly admitted to probably resorting to suicide bombing. Second of all, you never say out loud that you would be a suicide bomber. Then, to top it all off, he ASKED OUR PROFESSOR! Thirdly, you certainly don't ask a college professor if they would be a suicide bomber. She was speechless.

Well, that is really the only exciting thing that has happened in my life today. Just school, homework, and the like. Fun, fun. I guess end of the semester is difficult everywhere, or maybe it is just getting to be a little bit more like Duke. Anyways, I apologize again for neglecting you, but I promise I will always update when something worth writing about happens. I miss you all. Less than 4 weeks. Happy Tuesday!


AimeeC said...

We watched that movie in my Middle Eastern Politcal Culture class last year and I thought it was wonderful. However, no one admitted to wanting to be a suicide bomber. lol

Amy said...

So what nationality was the guy who said he would be a suicide bomber? I am curious.

betzfrits said...

I'm so glad you posted something! I'm so close to finishing my last paper that I can't stand to do it, so I thought to myself, "Maybe Megan has posted on her blog in the last day or two and I haven't read it yet." And indeed, you have posted! Lovely! And I think that class discussion would be slightly more interesting than the numerous pages of stuff I've been slaving over the last 13 days! Well, good luck to you, as you begin to finish!

mls45 said...

I'm not positive his nationality, but his accent tells me he has spent at least the majority of his life in America. However, I can't remember his name, but it is something like Zayed, so maybe he is mixed.