Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Wow, what beautiful arm." -Man on the street

Men of Cairo will compliment any woman on anything. It is the biggest problem of crime in the city, sexual harassment. There hasn't really been anything done to abate this issue, so the matter grows worse, as the youth now take this as a game and a sign of masculinity. I have grown use to the constant attention, but Mika's boyfriend and friend were here last week, and I realized through them the problem all over again. You get noticed a lot when you are walking around with three blonds. Most times I just think what they say is funny, and ignore them, not giving them the attention they are seeking. But sometimes they are so hilarious, like a man who can compliment a woman on hundreds of things, but told me I had beautiful arms. I'm wondering if he thought he was saying a different word. Who knows?

Not all the men here are so terrible. I was in a cab last night, and I had a great conversation with a cab driver last night in my broken Arabic and his broken English about a holiday coming up here in Egypt. The driver didn't complain that he had to drive out to the middle of nowhere, he didn't insist that I pay more than he agreed to in the beginning, and he even asked if he could smoke in the cab. Sometimes I realize that I'm going to miss Egypt and its crazy experiences and opportunities to practice Arabic.

Tomorrow/today, I leave for Turkey and I'm so pumped. But I need to get some sleep because I fell asleep once while writing this. If it has a lot of errors, I can not be held accountable. Happy Saturday.

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