Sunday, May 10, 2009


Happy Mommies' Day! I'm going to stop apologizing for neglecting you, because I obviously don't mean it enough to stop doing it. I think I have found the heart of the reason why I have not been writing on my blog so frequently...Life here has become normal! Which is great, but also a little scary at the same time.

Yesterday I worked, and worked, and worked. Now on a normal marathon study day, I would find any excuse to procrastinate...I tell you, my room is never cleaner than when I have a paper to write. Anyways, yesterday I was working, but I didn't want to. I thought to myself, "I should write on my blog. I'm sure it has been too long." The problem was, I didn't have anything to write. Honestly, nothing of interest happened to me. I don't know how to tell you this, but the craziness of Cairo has suddenly become a little boring.

For example, I opened the door to my room and a huge cockroachy, beetle, some kind of nasty bug thing flew into my room. This resulted in me having to chase it around, swatting at it with my shoe until it was dead...felt normal. I just got "clean" sheets on my bed that look like they have a serious coffee stain (at least I hope it is coffee)...feels normal. There was a girl today in my class that was late for her own paper critique...normal.

I don't know if I can explain to you why this being normal is a little scary. You see, if I am used to all the weirdness here, chances are I have changed more than I have realized. Problem is, none of you have been here to experience this change with me. What if I come home a completely different person? What if the culture shock of heading back to the states is more than I can handle? What if I have become Egyptian, and it isn't acceptable in the States. I don't think anyone in the States finds it appropriate to be 15 min. late for class, or to wash your hands without using soap, or to push your way into "line" just to get food, or to yell to get what you want, because you won't get it any other way.

Maybe I am just being silly, but as the days I have left in Egypt dwindle, I get more excited and more nervous about coming home. I miss you all. Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

betzfrits said...

I had a professor this semester who didn't seem to think it was a problem to be 15 minutes late for his own class...I'm sure you'll be just fine when you come back! ;)